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The Alfie Atkins Cultural Centre has the vision to be a leading children’s cultural centre where ALL children feel they belong. We aim to offer vibrant theatre productions and programme activities that children of all abilities can take part in. This encourages interaction and exchange between children of different abilities. Ultimately, the activities provide a common ground that helps children see beyond functional abilities. The building has a lift so you can visit the two floors, and of course we have accessible toilets. There is a children’s wheelchair inside the building entrance which visitors can borrow during their visit. On the upper floor, Alfie Atkins films are shown on TV with sign language. The theatre is equipped with a hearing loop. We regularly have performances with mime or sign language to make our activities more accessible.

Download our picture chart showing the building interior. You can watch a film about the Alfie Atkins Cultural Centre here.

Picture chart

Karta med bilder som visar miljöer från husets interiör.

For more information about our activities and accessibility, visit the Accessibility Database.

The wheelchair Simba

En stor Alfonsdocka sitter i en barnrullstol som är orange och har ekerskydd med djungelmotiv.

The children’s wheelchair Simba is available for visitors to borrow at the Alfie Atkins Cultural Centre. It is adjustable and has a specially designed wheel guard system. Children visiting the Centre chose the wheelchair’s visual design. A huge thank you to SKF for donating the wheelchair.

Fact box:

• We are in the Accessibility Database
• We have children’s theatre performances with mime or sign language about once a week.
• Alfie Atkins films are available with sign language.
• The theatre is equipped with a hearing loop.
• An illustrated plan of the building is available from our website to facilitate communication and understanding.
• There is a film on the website entitled “Lek och lär på Alfons Åbergs Kulturhus” (Play and Learn at the Alfie Atkins Cultural Centre).
• Comfort Audio has loaned hearing aids to the Centre to help hearing-impaired children listen to stories, etc.
• A children’s wheelchair is available for visitors to borrow.